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My Surprise Secret Baby (Romance Box Set) Page 29

  What escaped my lips was the sound of a woman losing her mind with incomprehensible ecstasy. What Barrett had done to me in that bathroom that night immediately became the second best fuck of my life. With just this first stroke inside me on the bed, he was now giving me the best.

  I was dimly aware that there were other people in other rooms on this floor and that they might hear me. But, I couldn’t help myself. I couldn’t stop myself letting out the wail that I was now making with his gigantic cock filling and stretching my pussy and reaching for my womb – not until his mouth covered mine in a big, sweltering kiss.

  I wailed into his mouth, my arms encircling his neck, my body begging for his. My sounds turned to whimpers, still muffled by his kiss, as he pulled his cock up and partly out, and began to pump, driving it inside my channel which stretched as much as it could to accommodate him. And with the same lustful, savage beat as he’d done before, this time drunk only on the feeling of it, Barrett fucked me hard.

  When his lips slipped from mine, my voice came out unmuffled, no longer wailing, but panting in a hot euphoria. “Oh, Barrett, yes… Yes… Fuck me, Barrett… It’s so big… My God, your dick is so big… Ooohhh…”

  He gasped and grunted on top of me in the midst of the hard, animal beats of his dick. “Yeah, babe… Yeah, you like this big fucking dick, don’t you? Mmm, yeah, you like having this big fucker up your wet little cunt… Yeah, you love it… Shit… FUCK!”

  Squeezing him between my thighs, I relished Barrett’s cock and his whole body. There was nothing small about him; not his muscles and definitely not the pillar that he was pumping so hard inside me.

  He was not just an athlete and more than just a man. He was a thing made for fucking. His performance on the football field had gotten him a championship, but it was here, on top of a woman, on top of me, where he was really, truly a champion. Barrett Porter was born to fuck. I knew it and he knew it. To pump his dick hard and deep inside a yielding pussy was what he lived for.

  I was the recipient of his purpose, and he was right. I loved Barrett’s body and I loved his cock. I wanted all the sex he could give me, and with every hard, driving beat of that piston inside me, he told me that he could give plenty. He could give more than any other boy or man I’d ever known.

  “Oh, Barrett,” I moaned under him. “Oh, Barrett, fuck me. Fuck me. Don’t stop. Don’t take it out; don’t stop. Your dick is so good… Oh, please don’t stop… Barrett, fuck me… FUCK ME…”

  “Yeah, babe, I’m getting this pussy,” he grunted on top of me, taking my mouth in kisses like firecrackers bursting. “Shit, this is good pussy. My cock wants this pussy, babe.” He tossed his head back while slamming in and out of me with blows that thundered against my mound and into the mattress. “Uuuhhh, yeah…” He brought his face down to me for another kiss.

  I didn’t have to bother pushing up against his down stroke to get his entire cock. I only needed to lie under him, cling to him, submit to his plundering of my pussy the way he had submitted to my sucking his dick, and that was what I did. I made myself the willing, ecstatic prisoner of Barrett’s lust, which I so happily knew was impossible to satisfy.

  He was built to fuck, and tonight he was built to fuck me. So I just kept my arms wrapped around his shoulders, my thighs tight around his hard-pumping hips, and let him do what he wanted, as much as he wanted. And his cock thrusting and plunging inside me took me to places of pleasure that I never knew could exist. I savored all of him, and it brought to bear on the true purpose of his life: fucking. Tonight, he owned my body and I worshipped his.

  The rhythm of his humping began to change. Barrett began to hold his dick all the way in me for an extra second on the down stroke, which made me whimper and almost sob. I neither knew nor cared how long he had been on top of me. But he was now fucking me just as hard as ever, just more deliberately.

  He raised himself up on his elbows and I saw a torture of pleasure on his face as he gasped, “I’m getting close, babe. Shit, I’m gonna come.” He licked his lips, anticipating. “Shit, I’m gonna shoot my load in your pussy.” He continued thrusting hard and deep, holding it in, making me dizzy from the driving beats of his dick. “Oh, fuck,” he groaned, “I’m gonna cream in your pussy… ”

  I felt it happen. I couldn’t actually feel the white rapids of semen flowing into my womb, but I felt his body respond to it. There was a long, deep, rumbling tremor in his arms, his chest, and his thighs, and I knew from that and his long, low, intoxicated grunt that he was coming. The hot and urgent throbbing from his log inside me was the sign that Barrett’s thick, creamy whiteness was surging into me.

  My own body responded in kind. Somehow, I reacted to his coming. All at once, I gasped loudly and tossed back my head, and my whole body seized and locked up as if in a convulsion.

  “Oh my GOD!” I wailed under him from my orgasm reacting to his. Electric tingles raced up and down my muscles while my mind turned to a white sheet of utter joy.

  Lying under Barrett Porter, I had gotten the kind of sex I’d always dreamed of from the kind of man that I’d always wanted to give it to me. If he never fucked me again, I thought I could live on the memory of this one incredible, incomprehensible, mind-exploding fuck.

  But oh, I hoped he would fuck me again. He had to fuck me again. His reputation couldn’t be true. One time, as mind-boggling as it was, with his cock inside my pussy, couldn’t be enough for him. It just couldn’t be.

  After his climax and mine subsided, his cock remained loaded for business. He stayed on top of me and resumed pumping his still-erect monster inside me, more slowly, not as hard, but with a lingering, smoldering lust. I felt as much of a lust for that cock as he did for my pussy.

  He nuzzled my face and breathed hotly onto me. “Mmm, babe, yeah. That was good. That was great.” He kissed me softly. “You’re a great lay, a great fuck. Feel how hard that fucking cock still is.” He kissed me softly again. “Feel how much that fucking cock wants that pussy?”

  “Yes,” I exhaled at him, and kissed him back. “It’s so big. It’s so good. I want it so much.” I kissed him again. “It’s so big. I want it in my pussy so much…”

  He sucked at my lips, continuing his slow, hot, wonderful strokes inside me. “That’s good. I want you to spend the night. I want to keep fucking you. I want you to suck my cock some more. And, let me fuck you between your tits.” He pecked at my lips. “And between the cheeks of your ass.”

  He nuzzled me with his nose and continued his stroking inside me as if his erection would never subside. “I want to eat and fuck your cunt over and over, and shoot my load in you.” He nuzzled my cheek. “Stay the night. Let me get your pussy all night.”

  I kept my arms wrapped around him, weeping inside for joy at all the things he said he wanted to do to me. “Yes, Barrett,” I whispered, savoring the last slow, deep strokes of his dick inside me. “Fuck me all night. All night…”

  And, Barrett made good on everything he said he wanted to do. He went on for hours. We forgot about time; it disappeared. There was nothing but our bodies together, his and mine. There was nothing but the ultimate, limitless joy.

  Chapter 16


  The next morning I woke up in the hotel bed, which along with my skin now smelled of a night full of very satisfying fucking. My cock screamed for more. Smiling and groaning with anticipation, my eyes only half-open, I reached to the other side of the bed…

  But where I expected to get myself a handful of Bama’s tits or ass, I got instead a handful of pillow and sheets.

  I pried my eyes all the way open and looked across the bed to find it filled not with the woman I’d spent the night fucking, but with the tangled, empty sheets that I’d fucker her in. I blinked, disbelieving. Had she just gone to the bathroom?

  “Bama?” I called, raising my head.

  Silence answered me. No Bama’s voice answering back. No sound of running water in the bathroom, where I thought ma
ybe she’d gotten into the shower. That would have been good. I would have loved to join her in the shower to get a morning blow job and fuck while cleaning up.

  But no, the bathroom was quiet. The whole room was quiet. She was gone.


  She had actually slipped out of bed while I was asleep. It had taken a long time for either of us to get to sleep because the fucking last night had been off the charts. She had responded to my body and my cock better than any other woman I could remember, and she had inspired me to play hard in bed the way I played hard in the Super Bowl. My dick never gets enough, but last night it came alive for Bama’s pussy in a way it hadn’t done in a long time. I’d fucked her brains out and mine along with them.

  And yet now, after all that, she was gone? Really? After a night like that, she actually hadn’t wanted to stay with me for a morning lay? What was that about?

  This was way outside of my considerable experience. The way my mornings usually went after a night of fucking, I followed up with at least one more time slipping a woman my dick, either in bed or in the shower. Sometimes, time permitting, I’d get her pussy in bed and then in the shower. After that, I considered our time together well spent, and I’d be ready for her to leave – anxious for her to leave, even praying for her to leave.

  But, this morning was different. This time Bama had excused herself from my bed without helping herself to a little more of the old Porter prick and made herself scarce.

  Rubbing my hand through my hair, I could only think, What the fuck? I sat there in bed, thinking it for want of doing it.


  I had room service bring me breakfast, all the while dwelling on Bama’s actions, which just had me totally baffled. I know they say there’s a first time for everything, but if you’d asked me to name something impossible, this would have gone at the top of my list. This mystery nagged at me while I ate, and I took it with me downstairs and outside to the front of the hotel, where a rented SUV was waiting to take us back to Dallas.

  The photographer and the video guy were sitting up front; the video guy was driving. So after getting my bags into the trunk, into the back I climbed, and there they sat: Vera, who I hoped didn’t have a clue to what was going on, and Bama, whose leaving my bed had left me clueless.

  Vera was in the far back seat, checking over notes on her iPad. I had my choice of sitting back with her or getting into the middle seat with Bama. I took the second choice. It somehow seemed rude not to sit with her after lying with her all night. And, maybe it was my way of subtly reminding her that last night happened and asking her why this morning didn’t happen.

  If my sitting with her was an unspoken question, what was I to make of her not saying anything? Was that her unspoken answer? I wondered. I smiled a little smile at her, a further reminder of what had gone on in my bed and how much we’d both loved it. Was this me getting back some of what I’d given to so many women? Was this me on the receiving end of the morning brush-off now, after all those times sweeping women I’d fucked out of one of my apartments like a broom sweeping dust? Was this what some people call “karma,” the universe giving me what I’d earned; me reaping what I’d sown?

  Neither Bama nor I said anything, but as we got under way to the airport and Vera started reading comments aloud from behind us that she’d found online about the big dinner and then the football club appearance, we both listened with interest.

  Along the way, though, I kept looking over at Bama and searching her eyes for... What? What did I expect from her? Did I want her to be like Kim, needy and lovesick, grabbing and clutching at me for more than I had to give her? Did I want her to be like so many other women whose names now escaped me, telling me I was the best fuck they’d ever had, that they wanted more of my cock and I could have more of their pussy any time? Did I want her to beg me, plead with me, to tell her when we could see each other again, and when we could jump back in bed together for more sweet, crazy fucking?

  For the life of me.., I didn’t know. I just thought a little acknowledgement of all that fucking, and how great it had been, would have been nice. She couldn’t say it out loud, of course, with Vera and the guys there. But, she might have just mouthed the words, Thanks for the four great times last night; you’re a hot fuck, or words to that effect. I would have appreciated that much.

  But for all the pussy I’d gotten last night, I got not a word of acknowledgement this morning of how damn well I’d fucked Bama. I kept looking over at her – and getting nothing.


  We were at the airport, at the gate, waiting for our flight to depart after we checked our bags. That was when I saw an opportunity and took it. I took Bama aside, there on the platform, and asked her, “ are you doing?”

  I didn’t know how else to put my question, frankly. I could have asked her something like, Hey, why did you take off from my bed while I was asleep instead of staying for a morning fuck? That, or maybe something more pointed like, Are you going to pretend now that you didn’t love having my cock all last night? But, that might have touched off a scene we definitely didn’t want to play, especially in public. So I went with the safest question I could think of.

  Staying perfectly calm, Bama just said, “I’m good.”

  I lowered my voice even more than the hush that I’d used to ask my first question. “Just good? That’s it?”

  She smiled a little smile that threatened to drive me crazy and answered, “Really good. Really.” She took a little beat, then repeated, “Good.”

  And, that was all. I could tell there was more to it than that. I could practically see the memory of my body, my cock, my fucking, in her eyes. Not to brag, but there was never a woman yet who’d left my bed knowing she’d had a sexual artist on top of her all night. Why was Bama taking it so lightly? To coin a cliché, and one that guys used under very different circumstances, this had never happened to me before.

  When our flight was announced and Vera called us to the gate, I left the airport as bothered and bewildered as I’d ever been in my life.

  Chapter 17


  I returned to my apartment exhausted – not from the trips to Denver and Boulder and everything I’d done there, but from the sheer effort of not reacting to Barrett on the way home.

  Make no mistake, if I never had sex again in my life, I could satisfy myself just playing back over and over the memory of what we had done to each other in Boulder when Barrett and I got into his hotel room bed. I could be satisfied reliving the experience of sucking his dick and feeling his big, muscular body. I could put myself back in bliss remembering how expertly and hungrily he ate me out.

  And most of all, I could call back the ecstasy of the four unbelievable times Barrett put his cock inside me.

  There was that first time on top of me. Then the next time, when he had me blow him again, then stretched me out with my head at the foot of the bed and mounted and entered me a second time. And the next time, when we lay at the foot of the bed and he went down and ate me, making me feel as if he would turn me inside out with the way he sucked on my sex before he pulled me back up to the head of the bed and had me ride him while he played with my clit. He shot his cum into me like a geyser, and his finger strumming at my bud gave me my biggest orgasm yet.

  And finally, we slipped under the covers together and kissed deeply while playing with each other’s sex, until Barrett climbed on top of me again for one more long, hard, mind-blowing fuck. We dropped off to sleep in each other’s arms after that, and I was more content from that than I’d ever been from anything else in my life.

  During the trip home with Barrett, I had to find reserves of control in myself that I’d never had to call on before. Down in the deepest pit of my soul I wanted to tell Barrett how perfect he’d been, how he’d made me feel things I couldn’t even name, how much I absolutely worshipped his body and his cock and thought what he did to me in that room was the most sublime fucking that ever
happened in the history of the world.

  But, I didn’t say any of that. I kept it to myself. The effort of not telling him, of not expressing it, had felt as if I were putting out a forest fire inside me.

  But, I did it. I played it cool, acted sophisticated, as if the experience of being fucked all night by a man like Barrett Porter was an everyday, normal thing for me.

  I didn’t know why I did it. Well, one reason was that Vera was there and she absolutely could not know that I let Barrett take me to bed. But perhaps another, deeper reason was that I didn’t want to be the latest in the long line of women that Barrett left begging for more. To be sure I did not want to be another Kim. That was also part of the reason why I’d slipped out of his bed in the early hours before he woke up, ignoring how much I wanted to stay with him, to stay curled up with that godlike body, to wake up with him and submit again to the pumping and drilling of his phenomenal penis. I wanted to be something other than just his latest.

  I couldn’t be just another woman to Barrett because, whether he knew it or not, I wasn’t just another woman. I was the one carrying his baby, so by definition I was not just his latest. I was something more. I was something special. He just didn’t know it.

  I could tell my behavior had left an impression. I could sense his confusion and dismay. By not reacting to him the way so many others had done, I had sent him a message that I wasn’t like the others, and I think my message was received. I sat in my apartment, my bags unpacked, and took a final satisfaction that I’d accomplished my mission of giving Barrett Porter a message that he may never have heard until today.

  My apartment buzzer went off, and Kira’s voice came over the speaker. “Welcome home!” she called. “It’s me; I come bearing gifts.”

  “Gifts?” I wondered aloud.

  “Groceries, girl! I know you just got back, I know you haven’t been to the store, and you’re eating for two now. So, buzz me up and let’s get both of you fed.”